Tuesday 7 February 2012

School Newsletter Analysis

Deyes High School Newsletter

This Deyes High newsletter has used the deyes high recognizable text "specialist science college, its recognizable in two ways firstly it adds to the representation of the school, and it also shows how the school excels in this part of the education simply making the school appear "better" than other local schools. There is also the use of the building on the newsletter, this is important as its recognizable as its the building everybody recognizes as its the front building. The building has a archaic (old fashioned) connotation to it as it is well known for its ivy covered walls. However when you take into consideration the professional look of this newsletter, its simply a fail, the text used is comic sands - traditional with these style newsletters "school".

I think its important to mention how this newsletter also uses comic sans, however this newsletter and font match better as this article is targeted at the student body rather than the students parents like the Deyes high school one was. I know this because of the effects of the color, this newsletter is more colorful therefore making it instantly having a connotation of a more modern newsletter - targeted at a younger generation being the students, however it uses the same effects of representation and effect on the reader by using the schools logo and the schools official title "A specialist sports with ICT college". 

These both create it effectiveness through its use of images for example Deyes High using the atom ball as a representation of the schools "specialist science college" award. They also create the effect on the audience using the font you would never think it but font can be so crucial on the effect of the text to the audience for example the sans comic font shows a more youthful effect therefore "St Ambrose Barlow" can get away with it as this newsletter is targeted at the students.

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