Tuesday 21 February 2012

Mock up of My future magazine
This is the flat plan of the magazine i am soon to create (using terminology).

Front Cover:
This is the front cover I have chosen to create,  the ideas come from style models I have looked at heavily using the idea of the Q magazine layout. Firstly I would like to  state that whilst looking through style models no  matter what magazine they all included some similar features these features are the main image, the masthead (magazine title), headline (main feature), barcode and finally tagline. However there are more features used although the vary throughout magazines depending on the genre of the magazine and whether they want a chaotic house style or not.
So firstly the main image the main image will be the background of the magazine I do not have a complete idea of this image as of yet however there are vague ideas for  it, for example I  know that I can have know text conflicting with the image.
Now I will  talk about the  masthead.  The masthead is also known as  the title of the  magazine for  example "Q", "NME" etc. However I have placed my masthead  in the top  left as like  the Q magazine it makes the magazine neat and not  chaotic  and also this will become a house-style for the magazine as it will remain there for every edition of  the magazine excluding special editions.
The headline also known as the main feature  of the  magazine. This will be something to do with the double page spread and also linking to the main image on the front cover. I have put the headline at the bottom of the  page as in theory the artists face should be higher up therefore this text will  not conflict with the image. I have seen that this position is a common occurance throughout the music magazine industry. 
The barcode is a must however this can be found won the front or the back of the magazine I am having mine on the front  and this will also be placed according to house style.
The tagline is also going to be used as an incentive it also creates a house style throughout the editions of the magazine.
The items that are not used by all magazines I will apply some however they are not house style therefore could vary throughout the magazine. In this edition I have chose to use a puff its basically a small amount of text that will stand out and entice the reader.

Contents Page:

Every music magazine uses a contents page this is because it allows for the reader to easily find where the story they want is in the magazine. Every contents page applies some of the  same features, these features are the headline- this will be simply stating "Contents Page", features (whats in the magazine), pug, images, main image, puff.
So firstly the headline, the headline will be standard to every magazine just stating "Contents Page". I will have the headline in the text that I will use as the house style throughout the magazine therefore same font as on the front cover and the double page spread.
Not all music magazines use these following features however form my research I have seen that they do apply to my target audience therefore I have chosen to use them as well these features are pugs and puffs. These are simply small bits of text that get directly to the point it stands out often using a shape or colour that jumps out from the page, they also link to the sub image I have used as the pug will say "Win a guitar".
The sub image I have chosen to use is a picture of a guitar that is up for grabs to the  readers of the magazine. I have seen this idea of using a competition to entice people to become more connected with the magazine. This now lead me onto the most important thing on the contents page.
The features these state what is too come on the following pages, its in a list formation as i have discovered through the process of researching magazines. The list is  show casing what is coming next in the magazine.
Now for the main image it will be an image of another person in the magazine as I do not want to be to repetitive with the use of the main feature of the magazine.

Double Page Spread:

This is the double page spread I have created, It follows the conventions of a music magazine double page spread through the features I have used that I have seen used in music magazines. These features are  the headline, main image, text (columns) and also the date.
So firstly the headline, this will be the text that is used on the front cover to represent the main features headline, this therefore will have a house style with the rest of the magazine. I have decided too place it on the left side of the double page spread as the main text will be on the right hand side of the page I have seen this done on magazines such as "Q magazine" it also makes the magazine look less chaotic which is my house style as well representing my target audience.
The main part of a magazine double page spread is the main text and how its formatted  this is done using columns which make it easier for the reader to read and also looks neater I know this through personal experiences.
The main image will be on the left hand side of the page and then will fade out going towards the right hand side of the page and the text will not be overlapping the pages as this is a must not to do. The image will apply to the male gaze theory.

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