Friday 10 February 2012

Photoshop - Preliminary Task
Work in progress
This is the stage which I am up to on the prelim task.

So this is the front cover I have created for the preliminary task. I have used Photoshop to do this design you can see that I o not have as many skills as of this time  however I hope to develop them over time ready for the creation of my final product other known as Photoshop. As you can see I have adopted many features conventions that I have spoke about in the examples of newsletters, this includes a masthead, headline, strap line, incentive and images.
Firstly this masthead would be  used throughout every edition of the  newsletter so that the audience can instantly recognize what they are reading. as it will inevitably become its own brand. I have used the official Deyes High school title as well and made it large so it stands out against anything else on the page. I have done this as through research I have seen this done before.
The headline I have used is "Newsletter" I have it in red font as this stands out from the other features on the newsletter cover this follows the conventions of a newsletter as I have seen in previous magazines. However I have gone over the face of one of the photos this would not be done in a real media product. It matches up with the other fonts on the page as I have seen through my research that you should use more than three fonts on a page as it becomes very confusing and messy.
The strap-line I have used is "Remember to become a member" - this will relate to the main story in the newsletter Its a common convention in newsletters, I have placed it so that it doesn't get in the way other features and so that stands out.
I have also used an incentive - this is an item of text that is used to persuade someone to read the newsletter, I have used "specialist science college".
Finally I have taken images on a camera and then uploaded them into Photoshop for editing and then put them onto the newsletter. 

I have also created the flat plans of what the font cover would look like suing the media terminology:

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