Thursday 19 January 2012

Semiotics is a study of signs, the idea that a sign is something that stands for something other than itself. An example of semiotics is a open sign which represents free to enter. There are two man approaches of this theory these are;

  • Ferdinand Saussure 1857 - 1913.
  • Saussure said that signs are purely psychological.
  • He also said that signs only make sense in a formal abstract system. A one word language us an impossibility.
  • He believed that signs don't represent reality but they construct it.
  • Signs reflect the system they are found in.
  • "It is because the sign is arbitrary that it knows no law other than tradition.
  • Charles Sander Pierce 1839 - 1914
  • Pierce had many different types of sign but the three most important are;
  • Indexes
  • Icons 
  • And symbols

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