Thursday 26 January 2012


Magazine - Vibe, Q
Vibe magazine is a magazine which founds itself on the R&B Hip hop genres of the music industry, however it also publishes stories of not only artist but actors as well.I have also taken an interest into the music magazine Q this magazine is a magazine that founds itself on extensive reviews. I have gained an insight into the sorts of terminology that is implemented in the creation of a music magazine - therefore taking the original front cover i have designed an outline to a draft of a music magazine.

The image of the one,the only, mariah carey takes up 50% of the photo and is in the foreground of the magazine front cover, she even takes place in front of the actual magazine title "vibe" this is known as the masthead. This suggests about the magazine that the main focus of this addition is the female charater.
There is a use of features, this shows what stories will be in the magazine, for example in this issue there is "50 cent" story. There is the masthead which is "vibe" this is the title of the magazine. There is also the use of the main image this is the image of the female that takes up 505 of the front cover. However the use of buzz words is also effective for example the exclusives is the buzz word for this magazine. However there are no incentives mentioned on this issue of the magazine. Therefore all of these help sell the magazine for the demographic group.
Semiotics is a tough part to analyze of the front cover of the magazine, this is because semiotics is all about how does a sign represent something else. And by looking at this magazine front cover there are no obvious uses of semiotics. However the colors that have use fir example the silver color giving the connotation of a fresh and new stories in magazine terms "exclusive".

This magazine front cover clearly applies to the male gaze theory, this is the theory which suggests that women are seen as objects. However this women Mariah Carey is going to have an article in the issue of the magazine which is no doubt the main story. But that doesn't stop the fact that she appears to be the dressed in this manner attracting a male audience.

         This is the mock-up of a magazine with the use of the terminology.

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