Tuesday 24 January 2012

Feminism in the Media

The male gaze theory
Laura Mulvey male gaze theory suggests that audiences watch films in two ways - voyeuristically and fetishistically. Its the idea that the audiences watch the film but are not being watched by the characters on screen most likely in the darkened cinema as other movie goers do not have to observe them either. This almost creates them being voyeurs - this can lead to two effects:

  1. Objectification of female characters in relation to this (male) gaze
  2. Narcissistic identification with an ideal image seen on the screen. 
Laura Mulvey's theory further suggests that voyeurism involves turning the
 figure into a fetish or a object. therefore making it more beautiful but more objectified. This results to female movie star,celebrated for her looks but considered as an object, this leads to them being considered more as eye candy other known as the male gaze theory.

Through my knowledge on movies from different time periods i can make the accurate judgement on how does the male gaze theory apply to the movie industry.

Transformers: After watching Transformers i feel and most other people feel that Megan Fox complies with the male gaze theory, she is instantly shown as a helper to Sam and nothing more than eye candy - also from my own knowledge i know that she is just a helper as she only stars in 2/3 of the Transformers movies after she was replaced by more eye candy.

Mission Impossible Ghost protocol: You could argue how this film would comply with the male gaze theory because of how she is shown in the scenes, however she plays a pivotal role in the film. Therefore she is not presented as an object as she brings something to the plot.

Underworld Awakening: This is another arguable movie that can or cannot be manipulated into the male gaze theory. My thoughts on it is that it does not comply with the male gaze theory because she is presented as the main character or one of the main character therefore she is not just an object, however though she can come across in this fetish way.

Sherlock Homes: I think from looking at this image that the idea of the Male Gaze theory does not imply to this film, however there may be some scene that do comply with the male gaze theory if a narcissistic identification is made.

James Bond Casino Royale: This movie is clear just from the image of the shadowing female body in the background making it clear that it complies with the male gaze theory. Plus from prior knowledge of this series of films i know that the women are almost objects a fetish, however it also applies with the idea of the narcissistic identification. 

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