Tuesday 24 April 2012

Magazine Evaluation

This is magazine I have found, I found it by keeping in mind my target audinece (teens). So I will analyse this accoriding to the features it has used. These features are masthead, headline, barcode, puggs and the image. I will also talk about the theories that can be applied to this magazine.
The msthead used in this magazine is the exactly the same font as used ain all its editions as this creates a house style however the colour changes, this is not done by all magazines although some choose to therefore it does not break the convensions of a usic magazine. I hope to reflect this in my own magazine as however I will not be changing the colour of the font as the colour scheme is carried throughout the magazine and is also how the audience relate to it.
The headline used in this magazine is as like the masthead it follows the convensions of a musicm magazine it keeps to the house style however they have chose to change the colour in each edition however it relates to the masthead and this editions colour scheme. I will be using headlines for the main feature of the magazine therefore there colour will vary thorughout the editions.
A main feature of a magazine is its barcode some magazine covers dont use it as they will put it on the back however on this one its on the front, whether its on the front or back it becomes house style I will have mine on the front of the magazine.
This magazine has also applied puggs puggs are the small pieces of text on the front cover for example on this magazine it says "Toya's World" These pieces of text allow for the reader tojust have a small dose of what is to come.
Finally the image they have used is of Rhianna, it uses the rule of thirds as the image fits into th squares, it also applies to the male gaze theory as she is seen a an object rater that a person terefore the image attracts men to look at the magazine whilst the rest of the magazine would attract girls.

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