Friday 9 March 2012

Current Process

This is where I am up to in my project.

As you can see I have made some progress on the magazine front cover, such as the main image/background. This  is because as you can see I have made the background black and white and made the shadow stand out more, however though making the background black and white I have used the selection tool and kept the artist in original colour. I have done this effect as I feel it meets the needs of the magazine and its audience. I have made a mast head this is the text in the top right hand side on the magazine, I have created this using Photoshop and taking an "M" and a "K" and then transitioned them on top of each other so the overlap, I have then got another text box and written music key in red - this has then led to me adding a shadow effect on it to match up to the shadow on artist. Once I had done these features I had used a strap-line  this is the text at the top of the page "Keeping in touch with reality". This bit is not complete as of yet though as I don't feel it doesn't stand out and from my research I have seen that this item of text does so therefore it differs from the conventions of a music magazine front cover. I have the features down the left hand side of the page, as you can see these are not complete as of yet, as they need to be enlarged and maybe a different font could be used, however it does comply with the generic conventions of a magazine front cover as it  is important that the text does not  conflict with the  image. I have other features that I have added in for example he headline and the bar code.
It is clear allot of work needs to be done however this is where I am up to and I plan to carry on this work to make a magazine front cover that can be identified towards a real life media product.

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