Wednesday 14 March 2012

Music Magazine Next step

What's the next step using experimentation from today:
Using my experimentation from today I now know that in order for my magazine to reach those higher levels I must consider to use more effects when using tag-lines such techniques as bevels etc.. I also managed to find out how to use the tool (spot healing tool) to help me get rid of the light on the door behind the image i can use this for my primary task. 

Edit of Luke

Poster for Luke:

With a greater amount of time I would of be able to manipulate the image to a better ability, taking into account the shades of light creeping into the image - possibly doing this by removing the background image.

Friday 9 March 2012

Proof of Photoshop

This is the image i have used on my front cover prior to editing. As seen by the previous post on my blog you can clearly see that i have isolated the lips both natural and unatural and then made the background stand out leaving the red lips. Stay tuned for more edits.

Current Process

This is where I am up to in my project.

As you can see I have made some progress on the magazine front cover, such as the main image/background. This  is because as you can see I have made the background black and white and made the shadow stand out more, however though making the background black and white I have used the selection tool and kept the artist in original colour. I have done this effect as I feel it meets the needs of the magazine and its audience. I have made a mast head this is the text in the top right hand side on the magazine, I have created this using Photoshop and taking an "M" and a "K" and then transitioned them on top of each other so the overlap, I have then got another text box and written music key in red - this has then led to me adding a shadow effect on it to match up to the shadow on artist. Once I had done these features I had used a strap-line  this is the text at the top of the page "Keeping in touch with reality". This bit is not complete as of yet though as I don't feel it doesn't stand out and from my research I have seen that this item of text does so therefore it differs from the conventions of a music magazine front cover. I have the features down the left hand side of the page, as you can see these are not complete as of yet, as they need to be enlarged and maybe a different font could be used, however it does comply with the generic conventions of a magazine front cover as it  is important that the text does not  conflict with the  image. I have other features that I have added in for example he headline and the bar code.
It is clear allot of work needs to be done however this is where I am up to and I plan to carry on this work to make a magazine front cover that can be identified towards a real life media product.

Friday 2 March 2012

Costume Design

Its a difficult yet easy task when it comes to the costume this is due to it being easy to get a hold of the costume however hard to justify.
example of the style i will have in my magazine is often casual wear like jeans t shirts and hoodies an example of this is Ed Sheeran. Each artist/band will have there own personal look which is then reflected by the audience/fan base therefore in order for a magazine to attract new readers they need to keep to these conventions as therefore the artist cold bring there own fan base to the magazine. Ed Sheeran is well known for his "Indie" style dress sense and in fact whenever performing he wears the same style costume. Therefore an artist is picked for there genre of music and there audience for example you would not see Susan Boyle feature in a magazine such a "Q". 

Each of these images you can apply to the male gaze theory as the women are styled in a way that could be compared to a sexualised image this just the way it is men see them  as object where as women could describe them as confident and "the perfect women". This however is  important to a female artist as it creates there fan base of males as well. On the magazine front cover its important to show case this as the audience will respond to this image as they reckonise who it is however say if beyonce was not in this costume then people may not know who it is. As you can see the colors match for example the colour of the text and the colour of the tops etc.

Many of the magazines feature rap as current music to enter the market, these images vary alot but they all follow the rule that they appear the same in the magazine as they do in there music video and in the public eye. Such images as:

Thursday 1 March 2012

Mood Board
This is the mood board i have created of the inspiring items that have helped sway my decision on my genre/style of magazine i intend to create.
Some features in this mood board are indicators to the magazine i hope to create for example the colours have the connotation of new update music for example the colour red has the connotation of the magazine trying to indicate this stop and read me message as well as this edgy side of danger to the magazine. This also links the images used of the new release albums and current artists in the public eye, i have also featured ways of advertising and getting the magazine out there using current social network sites like facebook and twitter. There is also the incentives that could appear on the magazine for example a chance to win a all paid trip to a festival such as V festival other incentives like dre beats. I have also shown that the magazine i will create will feature lots of genres.

This mood-board  also so showcases uses of theories that I can develop into my own music magazine for example the male gaze theory. This is the theory that suggests that women are seen as objects through a mans eyes and women envy their beauty. This is clear in images for example beyonce and the Cheryl Cole image. This is proven to be effective as some people may just buy the magazine simply for this. Some studies have indicted that people do not know what is going on in a scene as all their attention has been on the women.